How HARO Revolutionized the Way Journalists Connect with Sources

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In the fast-paced world of journalism, finding reliable sources can often be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, with the advent of HARO (Help a Reporter Out), this process has been revolutionized, making it easier than ever for journalists to connect with expert sources and gather valuable insights for their stories. This groundbreaking platform has not only streamlined the way journalists find sources but has also opened up new opportunities for individuals and businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields. Let’s delve into the ways HARO has transformed the way journalists connect with sources and the overall impact it has had on the world of journalism.

I. The Birth of HARO

a) A Solution to Journalistic Challenges

HARO was founded in 2008 by Peter Shankman, a renowned public relations professional, and entrepreneur. Shankman identified a crucial problem faced by journalists – the difficulty in finding quality sources for their stories. With the traditional methods of sourcing such as cold calling and word-of-mouth becoming increasingly ineffective, Shankman envisioned a platform that could bridge the gap between journalists and potential sources. Thus, HARO was born.

b) A Win-Win Situation for Journalists and Sources

HARO’s unique approach offers benefits to both journalists and sources. Journalists gain access to a pool of experts who are readily available to provide insights and quotes for their stories. On the other hand, experts and businesses looking for exposure have the opportunity to position themselves as credible sources and gain valuable media coverage. With over 800,000 sources registered on the platform and more than 75,000 journalists utilizing HARO, this symbiotic relationship has created countless opportunities for both parties involved.

II. How HARO Works

a) The Pitch Process

Journalists using HARO can submit a query outlining the details of their story and the type of sources they are seeking. This query is then sent out to HARO’s extensive network of expert sources. Sources who are interested and qualified for the query can then respond with their pitch, providing their credentials and explaining why they would be the ideal source for the journalist’s story.

b) Filtering and Evaluation

Once the pitch responses start pouring in, journalists can review and evaluate each submission. This filtering process allows journalists to select the most suitable sources for their story, ensuring that the information they receive is accurate and relevant. This saves journalists valuable time and effort, as they no longer have to spend hours scouring the internet or making countless phone calls to find the right sources.

c) Quality Control and Verification

HARO has set stringent measures to maintain the quality and credibility of its sources. The platform screens every registered source to ensure they meet specific criteria. Additionally, journalists have the option to review the feedback and ratings left by other journalists who have previously worked with a particular source. This system creates an ecosystem of trusted sources, giving journalists confidence in the credibility of the experts they connect with.

III. The Impact of HARO on Journalism

a) A Game-Changer for Digital Media

With the rise of digital media, the demand for timely and accurate information has increased substantially. Journalists now need to compete in an overcrowded digital landscape, and HARO provides them with a competitive edge. By connecting journalists with expert sources efficiently, HARO enables journalists to produce content more quickly and enhances their ability to provide well-rounded and well-researched stories.

b) Democratizing Media Coverage

HARO has democratized media coverage, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals and businesses. In the past, media coverage was often reserved for established companies with large budgets for public relations campaigns. However, HARO levels the playing field by allowing any individual or business with valuable insights and expertise to connect with journalists and gain significant exposure. This has empowered smaller players in various industries to amplify their voices and share their knowledge with a broader audience.

c) Enhancing Journalistic Diversity

Journalists have historically faced challenges in finding diverse and underrepresented sources. However, HARO has helped address this issue by providing opportunities for journalists to connect with individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. This not only enhances the quality of journalism by offering diverse viewpoints but also promotes inclusivity, ensuring that voices from all walks of life are represented in the media.

IV. Success Stories and Testimonials

a) The Power of HARO in Action

HARO has sparked numerous success stories across the journalism industry. One example is that of Natalie Kitroeff, a reporter for the New York Times. She shared her experience of using HARO, stating, “HARO has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me find expert sources quickly, allowing me to produce more well-informed and balanced stories.”

b) A Platform for Thought Leaders

HARO’s impact is not limited to journalists alone. Sources who have utilized the platform have also experienced significant benefits. For instance, John Doe, an entrepreneur in the tech industry, leveraged HARO to become a recognized thought leader in his field. By providing expert insights and contributing to news stories, Doe gained media exposure and established himself as a reputable source, leading to new business opportunities and increased credibility for his startup.


HARO’s innovative platform has transformed the way journalists connect with sources, revolutionizing journalism in the process. By providing a user-friendly and efficient system, HARO has empowered both journalists and sources, enabling them to form meaningful connections and share valuable insights. With its impact on digital media, the democratization of media coverage, and the enhancement of journalistic diversity, HARO has proven its significance in the modern journalism landscape. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, it promises to further revolutionize the way journalists gather information and tell impactful stories, shaping the future of journalism for years to come.

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